Legal statement
Legal statement

Statement of Use of PrimeGene’s Website

Legal Statement
Rules and URL Access Conditions for PrimeGene PrimeGene Site Content Software Content Your use of the website Trademark Privacy Copyright Description Offered products or services Third-party Links Disclaimer
Rules and URL Access Conditions for PrimeGene
The following rules (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms of Use”) apply to all users or viewers visiting this website, and Beijing PrimeGene Science and Technology Co., Ltd. and/or its affiliated companies (hereinafter collectively referred to as “PrimeGene”) reserve the right to modify these rules from time to time. The right to access the website is granted by PrimeGene as per the following clauses. If you disagree with any of the following clauses, please stop using the website. For violations of these rules, PrimeGene has the right to take legal measures and remedies of equity.
PrimeGene Site Content
Concerning the materials and information contained on this website, including but not limited to text, image, data, point of view, suggestion, page or link, although PrimeGene tries best to provide accurate materials and information on the website, PrimeGene gives no guarantee of the accuracy, completeness, sufficiency and reliability of the materials and information, and specifically states to neither account for any error or omission for the materials and information, nor make any expressed or implied warranties as to the materials and information, including but not limited to security of related ownership, absence of infringement of other third party rights, quality, or absence of computer virus. PrimeGene may modify the content on the website without any notice or reminder at any time. Please regularly visit the website for updated information. PrimeGene mentions non-PrimeGene products or services for reference only, which doesn’t constitute endorsement or recommendation of such products or services. PrimeGene doesn’t make any statement, guarantee or recognition for any product, service or information provided on this website, and all products and services sold shall be subject to the sales contract and terms of the company.
Software Content
The ownership of all source codes and binary software, sample codes, API, SDK, related documents and other related materials (collectively referred to as “Software”) contained on this website, including applicable intellectual property rights, belongs to PrimeGene or the licensor. Unless you have been otherwise permitted properly under related agreement with PrimeGene or its affiliated companies, the Terms of Use of the website doesn’t offer software licensing in any form, and you shall not reverse-engineer, decompile, disassemble, unassembled, adapt, implant or otherwise create derivative work from any software, in no manner whatsoever research internal implementation of PrimeGene products, get product source code, or lift intellectual property, nor disclose results of any software performance test.
Your use of the website
You shall not use the website and/or any content contained thereon for illegal purposes or any purpose prohibited under the Terms of Use, and shall not incite any unlawful activities or other activities infringing upon the rights of PrimeGene or others. You shall not access the website and any portion thereof, or accept any service offered hereon, or connect to any other system or network of PrimeGene server in any illegal way without authorization. You agree not to perform any behavior that will cause unreasonably or incommensurately high load to the website and related architecture, system, and network thereof. You shall not fetch or attempt to fetch any content on the website in any manner not provided on the website, nor access, obtain, copy or monitor any portion or content of the website by means of any automated or manual process, extractor device, program, algorithm or method. You shall not detect the website and/or the network thereof for bugs by means of scanning, nor damage the security verification or authentication measures implemented for the website and the services thereon. You shall not reverse search, track, or attempt to track any information about PrimeGene and any other user or visitor on the website, nor abuse or reveal any service or information on the website in any manner. You shall not interfere or attempt to interfere normal functioning of the website and normal use of the website by others in any manner (including but not limited to utilizing any device, software or program). You agree to abide by the state laws and regulations and public morality for using the website and the content thereon. You shall not utilize the website and the content thereon to produce, consult, duplicate or spread any disorderly and destabilizing behavior that violates the law or infringes on the rights and interests of others, nor utilize the website and the content thereon to carry out any practices that endanger or mean to endanger the computer system and network security.
The trademarks and logos used and displayed on PrimeGene website all are owned by PrimeGene or the licensor. Any content contained on PrimeGene website shall not be considered as implied, unopposed or otherwise conferring license or right of using any above-mentioned trademark or logo without written permission of PrimeGene or other parties. Without prior written permission, nobody is allowed to use the name of PrimeGene and PrimeGene’s trademarks and logos in any way.
The privacy statement of PrimeGene applies to the use of the website. By using the website, you acknowledge and agree that PrimeGene may use such information as per the privacy statement. <br> PrimeGene may decide whether to decline or remove any content you posted, and restrict, pause or terminate your access to the website at its discretion, and has the right to retain or delete any information or content you provided.
Copyright Description
The materials and content contained on the website all are protected by copyright law, and the copyright thereof is owned by PrimeGene or the licensor, except for content indicating being quoted from other parties. Without prior written permission of PrimeGene or other parties, the content contained on the website is not allowed to be duplicated, modified, spread, distributed, reproduced, broadcast, disassembled, reverse-engineered, decompiled, connected or transferred via hyperlink, loaded into other server with the method of “mirror image”, stored in an information retrieval system or used for other purposes by any one in any way.
Offered products or services
Due to the internationalization and borderlessness of the internet, the information provided through this website is also accessible globally, which may include reference to products or services released outside your country or region. Therefore the products and services contained on this website may not be available in your country or region. Please contact the local sales representatives or agents to learn about the products or services available in your country or region.
Third-party Links
At our website, there may be some links to the websites or web addresses of third parties. Users may access the links at their own discretion. PrimeGene gives no guarantee of the accuracy, completeness, sufficiency and reliability of any information, data, point of view, picture, statement or suggestion provided by such links. PrimeGene only displays these links for convenience, doesn’t mean to show recognition or recommendation of the information, nor use these links for publicizing or advertising purposes.
PrimeGene shall not be liable for indirect, incidental, special or punitive damages in any form or responsible for any profit loss, income loss, data loss or data usage loss. Unless otherwise agreed by PrimeGene in writing in sales contract, to the extent permitted by applicable law, PrimeGene shall assume no responsibility for the “materials” contained on this website, regardless of the causes of responsibility or grounds for claimed infringement.